Telehealth Remote Patient Health Monitoring
VEESAG provides pre-emptive health monitoring using proprietary Telehealth technologies developed for remote patient monitoring or remote health monitoring in conjunction with other medical devices. VEESAG watch is primarily designed for the purpose of patient tracking and providing pre-emptive medical care, transferring data from the body worn sensors to central server.
The PERS (Personal Emergency Response System) features include speed dial for emergency and SOS button notify call-center, real-time location tracking, geo fencing, time based route tracking. The pre-emptive medical care includes remote patient monitoring and transmitting 17 different health parameters from the paired (Zigbee) medical devices. It measures critical health parameters such as the heart rate, skin temperature, body weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar. The data is automatically transmitted to the cloud for monitoring / analysis by a medical call center so that precautionary and emergency measures can be taken. Medicine reminders provide timely reminders regarding critical medicine intake. This device can be worn on body. Patients with Alzheimer, Dementia, chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, head and spinal injuries, and the elderly population could greatly benefit from closely monitored health parameters.
The VESAG smart watch offers the following Features:
- GSM based mobile network
- Built on IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) based wireless protocol
- HTTP/TCPIP transfer of data, Continuously monitors up to 17 health index parameter
- Location Tracking
- Medicine/Task Reminders
- Programmable for up to 5 Users
- 6 Programmable Emergency Color Codes
- One button notifies key contacts using SMS
- EMAIL and 2 way call
- Automatic Fall Detection of patient and call for help
- Geo-Fence capability
- Speed Dial for Emergency
- Microphone