Cellular Enabled Smartwatch with environment sensors
Cellular Enabled Smart Watch with mobile personal emergency response system:
VEESAG cellular enabled smart watch called MPERSENS is certified by Verizon and Sprint for use on their network, it consists of multiple environmental sensors along with various other health sensors for remote monitoring
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Environmental Sensors:
- UV Sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- Humidity Sensor
- Proximity Sensor
Key Features:
- Two way call and One Touch emergency button to connect to 911 or call center during emergency
- Precise location tracking through GPS and cell tower triangulation
- Medicine reminder
- Geo-Fence
- Fall detection
- Family share
- Remote Health Monitoring
- Interact with home automation devices and sensors
- Push Message notifications
- Secure data transmission using HTTPS/SSL
- Over The Air software upgrades
- Water Proof
- Available in GSM/CDMA Technologies
- Published in mHealth