Background of Medical Alert Bracelet: Being a stranger, more about you can find yourself juggling between options of uncertainties when you see a pedestrian immediately collapse in front of you. In such cases any information or advice, especially for the strangers present at the location, can prove to be the difference between life and death. What did medical community come up with?
Inscribed Medical Alert Bracelet
To tackle such events, medical community proposed the idea of medical alert bracelets. These tags were supposed to be worn as gears by people who were suffering from some medical condition, with relevant piece of information inscribed on them.
What type of information?
This information could be the personal details of the wearer, the medical condition they were suffering from or contact information of a helper. The constant variables could be anything but it soon became clearer that not all variables could be inscribed on these bracelets.
Although these inscribed medical alert bracelets are still being widely used and designed, it was time to improve on the suggestion.
Medical Alert Bracelet with memory
The medical community now integrated a USB with these tags that held all the relevant information. For sure it was now possible to carry more information but not all computer systems were receptive to these because of potential malwares that they may contain. As a result paramedics again struggled. And the strangers? Well not everyone is supposed to be carrying a laptop with them.
Now what to do?
QR Coded and NFC Tagged Medical Alert Bracelet
The next solution that came in was the QR coded and NFC tagged medical alert bracelet. What this improvisation did is, it enabled the strangers and paramedics, to scan the code through their mobile and access the online database which could help them take an immediate action. An SOS button was also now inbuilt to automatically alert a portal just by pressing it in case if there was an emergency.
But again the shortcomings were apparent.
As much as the constants like personal and medical details play an important part, the real time variables also play a more significant role in planning immediate steps that could lead to recovery. Vital signs and external environment conditions are examples of such real time variables. And obviously not every time a stranger would be close to press that SOS button.
It was time for a major industry player to deliver and VEESAG has delivered!
MPERSENS — Revolutionizing the Medical Alert Bracelet
This smart watch comes with integrated sensors that not only captures information about vitals like heart rate and pulse rate but it also tells about the surrounding temperature, humidity and UV incidence. Not only the constants but also the real time variables can now be displayed and relayed with ease.
Calling for help?
Equipped with gyro and proprioceptor sensors, it detects falls and you don’t actually have to press that SOS button to alert up to 3 call centers and 3 personal contacts. If that’s not enough, you can set geo fencing through this smart watch and alerts can be received if a wearer steps out of a preset boundary. Moreover it not only alerts but also provides the location through integrated GPS system.
Does it improve communication?
Yes for sure. You can send and receive messages through portal, enabling two way communication and it also has an inbuilt speaker and microphone that lets you have verbal communication if needed.
The smart watch comes packed with various other features and a battery backup of 3 days. Coalesce of care, promptness and technology is what makes MPERSENS an innovative medical identification tag
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