Looking for a best activity tracker that can monitor health, Fitness, Sleep and Activity to track your overall progress and keep up with good health, VESAG MPERSENS provides a total 360 degree view of your physical fitness by providing various parameters and help monitor them remotely if needed through a cellular data connection which is embedded in the watch for remote monitoring.
Health Tracker: While there are many health tracker devices available, VEESAG emerges as a winner with various features for health tracking. VEESAG MPERSENS provides an option to pair with various medical devices and transfer the readings to central dashboard through ZigBee short range wireless connection from the watch. Customers can see trends on the data by capturing the readings frequently, Threshold alerts can be setup so that when the watch receives abnormal results which are then transferred to the server an alert will be sent to designated person for immediate intervention.
Fitness Tracker: VEESAG Watch comes with embedded GPS which will constantly send the GPS location so when the wearer is performing physical activity like cycling or running system will automatically measure the distance he travelled by using the GPS coordinates and a rewards points are allocated which can be used towards monthly subscription.
Sleep Tracker: VEESAG watch has embedded accelerometer which will automatically measure about the orientation of the device and transmit to the server so if the person is sleeping server will automatically know the position. When paired with pulse oximeter VEESAG watch will continuously transmit the pulse rate and oxygen saturation results to the server. Detail reports can be generated on the server to analyze and see if there is a drop in oxygen levels when sleeping at a specific angle. This data is very important when someone is actively working on controlling their blood pressure
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. Typical sleep trackers that are available cannot provide oxygen saturation data.
Activity Tracker: Most of the activity trackers use accelerometer only for tracking. VEESAG watch has built-In GPS, accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensors inside the VEESAG watch that will provide a detail view of the steps taken and distance travelled, calories burnt will automatically get calculated using this data and displayed on the portal.
It is important to have an option of calling during emergency when the wearer over exerts themselves to meet the goals. In-Built cellular connection with one touch emergency button provides a quick way to reach emergency personal when there is a need.
Conclusion: VESAG MPERSENS smart watch is not just medical alert device it is much more than a traditional personal emergency response device and provides functionality for various activities, some of the key features include SOS call, GPS, Medicine reminder, Fall Detection and Remote Health monitoring.