What is PERS or Medical Alert?
PERS stands for Personal Emergency Response Device, PERS devices are usually connected to traditional telephone lines and operate within around 300 feet from the base which is plugged into the power socket. Some models of PERS devices have a wireless pendant which can be used around the house, But these devices cannot help when the person is beyond the designated range which will defeat the purpose of personal emergency response.
What is MPERS or Mobile Medical Alert?
MPERS stands for Mobile Personal Emergency Response Device, these devices operate on mobile or wireless technology, there are various acronyms for these devices like Mobile PERS or MPERS or Cellular PERS or Wireless PERS devices, These devices requires a monthly cellular subscription with the carrier. Few of the MPERS devices provide an option of two way call with the call center or family member when SOS button is pressed. Some MPERS devices have GPS in-built and can help locate the wearer when the SOS button is pressed. Very few MPERS devices have fall detection built-in so that when a fall is detected an automatic alarm can be sent to either family members or care givers. VEESAG Advanced Health watch is one of the most advanced MPERS device.
What is MPERSENS or Wearable Mobile Medical Alert?
MPERSENS stands for Mobile Personal Emergency Response Device with Sensors, It is the most advanced version of the MPERS device, Apart from the features like SOS, GPS, Two Way Call, Fall Detection there are multiple features that were built into the device.
Medicine Reminder is a feature that helps in reminding medicines when its time for medicine, this feature can be used to remind diet or fitness or any other tasks.
Family Share option allows the user to share with other members in the family. When a family member uses the same device they have to select the sub account number on the device and all the data will be transferred into the sub account in the main portal account.
Multiple sensors like Accelerator, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Ambient light sensor, Proximity Sensor, UV Sensor, Temperature Sensor and Humidity Sensors provides priceless benefits to the user
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Click on the link to know more about VEESAG MPERSENS device.
Connectivity | Traditional Land Line | Wireless | Wireless |
Range | 300 Feet or less | Anywhere in the world where there is cellular coverage | Anywhere in the world where there is cellular coverage |
Battery Outlet | Connected to Power Outlet | 12 to 72 hours depends on GPS Frequency | 12 to 72 hours depends on GPS Frequency |
GPS | Not Available | On some models | Built-In |
Fall Detection | Fall Detection pendants might be available for some models | Fall Detection pendants might be available for some models | Built-In |
Geo Fence capabilities | On Some Models | Built-In | |
Medication Reminder | On Some Models | Built-In | |
Family Share | Built-In | ||
Remote Health Monitoring | Built-In | ||
Past Medical History | Built-In | ||
Heart Rate Monitoring | Built-In | ||
Temperature | Built-In | ||
Humidity | Built-In |