Vesag Awarded Top Honor Gold Medal For Its Innovation in Mobile Health
Vyzin Inc a New Jersey based corporation with an office in India and creator of the mobile health brand Vesag was awarded the prestigious Gold Medal at the 2012 DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Program. Vesag is a Mobile based Personal Emergency Response System (MPERS) and is developed due to concern for the well-being of his aging parents in Hyderabad, tadalafil India by its founder and CEO Mr. Rajendra Sadhu an Indian American, speaking at the summit he said “It’s an honor to serve people with their health care needs through my innovation, our vision is to provide affordable pre-emptive healthcare to the world and reduce the health care costs”. Dr. T
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. Ramasami, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology stated, India has been an innovative nation and our people have been at the forefront of development of many path breaking, inclusive and cost effective innovations. Vesag is a watch that provides proactive remote health monitoring and recording of patient vitals without the need to see a healthcare provider. Vesag addresses issues such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart problems, diabetes, stroke and chronic disease management.
The DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Program was launched in March 2007 by Lockheed Martin, FICCI and the University of Texas, IC2 Institute. It was joined by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and the Indo-US S&T Forum November 2008 onwards. The aim of this programme is to accelerate innovative Indian technologies into markets in the United States and around the world. The India Innovation Growth Programme is the only programme of its kind, because of its focus on teaching and using world-class Commercialization strategies.
Vesag is a Mobile Personal Emergency Response System (MPERS) designed to track patient vitals, providing pre-emptive medical care and avoiding emergencies. The medical watch includes tracking features and collects patient parameters such as pulse, ECG/EKG, pulse, oxygen saturation, body weight, heart rate and blood pressure. All data is wirelessly transmitted to a web portal for monitoring by a medical call center. The device can be worn as a watch or a pendant and does not confine the wearer’s location due to the use of GPS and GSM technologies.
- Published in mHealth