The VESAG or Vyzin Empowered Secuirty And Guidance system is not just for the elderly or those who cannot take care of themselves, sales it is for all your loved ones. The VESAG health monitoring watch comes with an in-built GPS tracker, which makes it a critical companion when your loved ones are out of sight. It is a great guardian for kids, companion for women and buddy for visitors.
The VESAG Health watch essentially offers to monitor the key health parameters such as blood pressure, temperature, pulse, etc.; track the GPS location; as well as send alerts or make distress calls when the wearer is threatened.
In case of children, the watch makes for a guardian that keeps a watch on them, especially when you are not around
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. The wireless health monitor lets you know when your child is running a high temperature or has an abnormally high pulse rate, which can be a great warning if the child is scared or in danger. In case the child has wandered away, you can track their location with the GPS tracker that shall give you their exact co-ordinates. You can even set up a geo-fence for them that shall send out an alert when they move out of the desired location for a considerable period of time.
In case of working women, the VESAG health watch is a great companion as it features buttons to make distress calls to our 24/7 support team. The pulse monitor too sends out an alert when the heart rate is abnormally high, which can signify danger. This gives women, especially those who travel late at night, the confidence and security to move at their own convenience. For the same reasons the VESAG watch can be a good buddy for travelers as our services are available globally and the wireless monitors are active as long as they have access to mobile signals.