Medical alert systems aimed at providing safety and one touch medical interventions to old age and critical patients are still in an infancy stage. At large, the still prevalent medical alert systems only have so much as an emergency button, and are not able to provide any instant care that may be required. A true next generation medical alert system, unlike any other in the market as yet, VEESAG’s MPERSENS Smart Watch is changing the entire idea of medical alert systems. When compared against the traditional medical alert systems with a single button to call for help in times of emergency, VEESAG’s Smart Watch has a comprehensive set of features that enable patients to self-help and alert nearby medical healthcare facility all by themselves. A next generation product in true sense of the word, it is the only compact Smart Watch in the market that provides a number of medical alert facilities.
A few more positive differences and extra features that the next generation Smart Watch by Veesag carries have been discussed below.
Medical Monitoring
An added advantage in the next generation medical alert system by Veesag is the provision of basic medical monitoring including crucial indicators like blood pressure, pulse and heart rate etc. MPERSENS Smart Watch does not even require a central device for intervention of professional care. The built-in mobile phone, in a single touch, can connect the patient to the central care station from where the emergency care staff can be instantly sent over to the patient.
Emergency Alerts
VEESAG’s Smart Watch has one touch emergency feature available in it, which still lacks in all the traditional medical alert systems
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. You can easily feed your emergency numbers in the watch so that contacting for help in times of emergency does not remain an issue. Even when the patient talks on one of the emergency numbers, the rest of them will be sent alerts along with precise location information so that they can reach without compromising on time.
Fall detection
Medical alert for seniors has especially been made easier by the addition of this feature called fall detection. In case a senior happens to experience a fall posing a risk of fatal injury, the Smart Watch automatically alerts the central medical station, thereby letting the medical help process expedite, minimizing the time it takes for help to reach the patient.
Mobile medical alert is also one of the most important advancement in the true next generation medical alert system, the Smart Watch by Veesag; since it can be carried anywhere by the patient without hassle.. In a small device, the presence of every essential feature has taken the medical alarm system to the very next level. Unlike the traditional medical alert systems, the MPERSENS Smart Watch by VEESAG is one that carries all the features of a sophisticated next generation medical alert system, while being as compact and easily carried a product as possible.
Other details that the VEESAG’s Smart Watch has introduced are humidity, proximity and temperature sensors, automatic light adjustment, medicine reminder and push notifications to alert for help and get response among many others. In order to know more about medical alert online from the comfort of your home, visit the our website and gain insights into the medical alert products and solutions being offered that can rightfully be called “the next generation medical alert system”.